Act on what you hear // 20-11-19

“Don’t fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. Act on what you hear!” James‬ ‭1:22 MSG‬‬

Jesus often used a phrase, ‘Anyone who has ears to hear, let him hear!’ Meaning, don’t just hear the words, you need to heed the meaning and then make an active response! It’s one thing to hear the Good News about a Jesus, it’s quite another to understand it and respond positively to it! It’s one thing to hear God’s call on your life, or to get excited about a word you think He has given you, but quite another to do what He actually says! If we are going to ask God to speak to us and guide us, Let’s also pray that we would be true listeners, with ears to hear and hearts that are willing and courageous enough to act in faith 🙏🏼