“Don’t drift away from the assurance you received when you heard the Good News.” Colossians 1:23 NLT
It is so easy to drift, you just have to do precisely…nothing! It requires no effort, and happens when you stop paying attention, like someone on a dinghy at sea with no anchor and no rowing in a specific direction, instead the currents just pull you gradually on an aimless course with no guidance or control away from the shore! How do we drift away from the assurance we received? How do we drift away from an intimate relationship with God and from going His way? We simply do nothing: we don’t pray, we don’t read His Word, we don’t get involved in church life, we don’t worship, and the currents of this world instead just slowly and subtly pull us away from Him! Lord, help me to stay alert, always paying attention to You, my compass and my anchor. Don’t let me become so distracted or enamoured by the things of this world that I stop doing the things that really matter and lose sight of where I’m meant to be heading. Reassure me again today as I attune my ears to Your good news and put my hope in You. Amen ⚓️🙏🏼