“Invigorate my soul so I can praise you well, use your decrees to put iron in my soul. And should I wander off like a lost sheep—seek me! I’ll recognise the sound of your voice.” Psalm 119:175-176 MSG
To invigorate is to give new energy or strength to someone or something. What a prayer! Lord come and invigorate my soul, give fresh energy and strength to my mind, my will, and my emotions, for the purpose of glorifying You, to praise You well! May that invigoration fuel my desire to live obediently to Your Word, making me strong in faith! Lord, I recognise my tendency to go my own way, but thank You that You never give up on me. Help me to hear Your voice today, to follow on the path You have set with a clear sense of calling and vision to pursue Your will! Amen 🙌🏼❤️