What’s in a name? Not a great deal, perhaps in Western culture today, but for those in Biblical times, name had great spiritual significance. They conveyed not only the identity of an individual, but who and what that individual would become in God’s hands. Adam: made from dust; Abram: Exalted father ; Peter: Rock; Jesus: Rescuer/Deliverer and so on. We come to understand a great deal about a person or a place in the Bible by coming to understand their name.
Consequently, to come to a deeper understanding of God Himself, we need to come to a deeper understanding of the name – or indeed, names – that He is known by. Each name reveals an aspect of His character and His plans for His Creation.
Now available as a free download, this new resource, reveals 40 of the names and titles of God, what they mean and what significance they have for us.
You can find and download this resource on the Kingfisher International Family Group facebook page, and on our website: kingfisher.org.uk in the Resources section.