“You, God, prescribed the right way to live; now you expect us to live it. Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course you set; Then I’d never have any regrets in comparing my life with your counsel.” Psalm 119:4-6 MSG
Comparison to others always leads to either jealousy or pride, I’m not as good as someone else or I’m better than someone else! It will never give me an accurate sense of my true worth and purpose or help me to focus on the unique lane that God wants me to run in! Only when I look to Jesus, only when I listen to Him and follow Him, comparing my life against what He says, will I learn to stay on track – that’s the only way to avoid a life of regret! Lord, You have not created me to live someone else’s life, help me to stop entertaining thoughts of being anyone but who You want me to be. Amen 🙏🏼