Awe-inspired worship // 14-10-19

“And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. Then those in the boat worshipped Him [with awe-inspired reverence], saying, “Truly You are the Son of God!”” Matthew 14:32-33‬ ‭AMP‬‬

Worship is the only natural response when you have a revelation of who God is, and it doesn’t necessarily happen in a church service when the conditions are right and the band is set up and ready to play, but when you realise He is with you in the middle of an impossible looking situation!! So when was the last time you were awe-inspired? When did you last have that realisation that Jesus was who He said He was, your Saviour and Lord? Don’t wait til Sunday to bow down and lift up your voice and hands in worship, make your response right where you are, and then bring your testimony to church next Sunday evening 🙌🏼🙏🏼