“The Lord who made you and helps you says: Do not be afraid, O Jacob, my servant, O dear Israel, my chosen one. For I will pour out water to quench your thirst and to irrigate your parched fields. And I will pour out my Spirit on your descendants, and my blessing on your children.” Isaiah 44:2-3 NLT
‘Do not be afraid,’ is one of the most repeated commands in the Bible. Fear is rife in the wilderness and the wastelands, fear for our safety, fear for our future, and it’s not a choice to feel afraid or not is it, you just feel it? But fear does not have to dictate your path or have the last word, there is a difference between feeling afraid and being afraid. I can feel afraid but be courageous, I can feel afraid but be obedient, I can feel afraid and still be…lieve! The question to us, and this is always the challenge of faith, is when I don’t understand and I feel afraid, will I turn to the Lord who made me and helps me? Will I listen and trust what He says? Will I believe Him? Lord, thank You for Your promise, strengthen my faith today as I hold steadfast to Your Word and as I put my hope in You. Amen ⚓️😊