“You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy its results only if you do the hard work of getting along with each other, treating each other with dignity and honour.” James 3:17-18 MSG
We are so diverse in our likes and dislikes, in what we are passionate about and what we are good at, and that’s exactly as it should be! We are not all made to look and sound the same and do the same things, but we are called to get along with each other, to stand together, to support, encourage, and bring out the best in one another, and that’s not always easy when there are so many differences between us! But something beautiful happens when we do – community! We were designed to work best in unity, we find strength and we accomplish so much more! Lord, help me to play my part and to do the hard work of getting along with others in the family of faith – help me as I choose to forgive, to overlook an offence, and to give honour and dignity where and when I can. Use me as a builder in Your Kingdom today. Amen 🙏🏼💒