“Turn and answer me, O Lord my God! Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die.” Psalms 13:3 NLT
William Shakespeare said, ‘The eyes are the window to your soul’ and he’s right! You can tell so much about what is going on for someone just by looking in their eyes. I meet a lot of people whose eyes reveal weariness, fear, pain, anger etc, eyes that have lost their sparkle! This is such a great prayer of David, he’d become tired in the waiting, fearing for his life and nothing he could see in front of him gave light to his eyes. So He turned to God, he looked up to Him, He positioned himself to see the One who is light and life and he prayed, restore the sparkle to my eyes… What do your eyes give away about the state of your soul? Lord, as I look to you today, answer me, restore me, bring light to my eyes and a peace to my soul. Amen ☀️😊