“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” Colossians 4:2 NLT
To be alert is to be quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances; vigilant! Praying with an alert mind is recognising that we are in a spiritual battle, and we have an enemy in this world who does not want us following Jesus and living to make Him known. But we also have a commander, One who is always with us whatever the circumstance and He can be trusted to lead us in His victory, safely home. Praying keeps us connected to His commands and to accomplishing His will. Having a thankful heart protects us from the strategy of the enemy to undermine our faith and to stop us praying. He knows that we can be taken down (and out) with discouragement, worry, disappointment, and fear! DON’T LET HIM!! So Lord, help me to be vigilant today, to never stop praying and trusting You. Keep me connected to Your Word with a heart that is focussed on everything I can still be thankful for! Never let me forget the reality of Your love, the truth of Your death and resurrection, and the calling You have placed on my life. Keep me alert to Your life-giving presence with me today. Amen 🙌🏼😊