Daily bread // 06-03-23

“Give us this day our daily bread.” Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭11‬ ‭AMP‬‬

In Exodus 16, the people of Israel found themselves in the wilderness, and despite God’s miracles to date freeing them from captivity and helping them escape through the Red Sea, they still couldn’t quite trust that He was capable of sustaining them, and they worried and moaned and complained about food and water, and God heard their complaint, and He told Moses that He was going to provide
bread for them every morning. But what fell was something call Manna, which literally means, what is it? It tasted like honey wafers and they were able to collect this up, grind it down and bake cakes of bread with it. God delivered what they needed daily, but they had to follow His instructions and take what He had given to make the bread! Lord, thank You for involving me in Your plans, for providing all that I need each day to sustain me. I know that sometimes I look at what I’ve got and think, ‘What is it?’ But help me today to position myself to receive what You’ve given me, to appreciate Your provision, and to learn to trust You more. Amen 🙏🏼